Avast! Our final ever radio voyage beckons

Jun 26

This Monday, 2-4pm, on RaW 1251AM, with Daniel, Tom, Seb, Joel and a few others...

Ahoy there Shipmates,

Captain Bluebeard here, warning all of those that travel the seven seas, and the myriad of airwaves, of our impending attack.

The snivelling crew of the HMS Mumbling On, HMS Lucky Dip and HMS Refresh seem to think that combining their forces on Monday between 2-4pm on RaW1251AM will be enough to defeat me... I just don't think they've thought their plan through through.

"Mumbling On the Refreshing Lucky Dip"? I mean, what sort of name for a radio show is that?

Even if they promise the return of the dynamic Germanic time-travelling duo Battenberg & Schnepps, I'm sure nothing will stop us in our quest to line our ship with Booty from the RaW studio and beyond.

So, tune in via radio.warwick.ac.uk/listen to hear my (no doubt) successful attempts to scupper the good ship RaW and all who sale in her.

God help any unworthy blaggard that misses the show,

Captain Bluebeard & the Time Travelling Pirates

p.s. if you are into Facebook, a link to a show page is here. Personally, I avoid all kinds of books, especially ones that don't have treasure maps in them.


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